Your all-in-one destination for Physician, Inpatient, and Outpatient coding departments


Looking to provide your staff with all the latest ICD-10-CM, ICD-10-PCS, and CPT updates, all while ensuring they have the CEUs to maintain their credentials? Well look no further. JustCoding’s got all the tools to provide coders with everything they need, including AAPC and ACDIS CEUs, education to help reduce medical necessity and other types of denials, and much more!





With JustCoding, your team will get access to:

  • JustCoding News: Inpatient & Outpatient e-newsletters 
  • Weekly quizzes with at least 24 AAPC and 48 ACDIS credits
  • Breaking news and analysis of regulatory changes and code updates
  • CPT® and HCPCS Level II coding tips
  • Documentation improvement strategies
  • And much more!



Be sure to check out our JustCoding Overview video below for additonal information.