The pandemic turned a new page for post-acute care. Long term care, skilled nursing facilities, and inpatient rehabilitation facilities across the globe are taking steps to establish new guidelines and keep the industry moving forward into an ever brighter future. Join us and industry leaders as we explore the future of post-acute at this virtual event on June 17. This half day event will focus on topics that are important to post-acute professionals tasked with improving overall quality of care and reducing total health spending.
Time: 1:00 PM - 1:55 PM ET
In addition to announcing a 1.3% payment update for FY 2022, CMS’ rule proposes updates related to the patient-drive payment model (PDPM), SNF consolidated billing, and the SNF Quality Reporting Program (QRP) and Value-Based Payment (VBP) program. Speaker Reta Underwood will review what is proposed for payment in FY 2022 to help SNFs prepare for proper reimbursement in the coming year.
Speaker: Reta A. Underwood (C-NM, RAC-CT, Medicare Specialist)
Time: 2:00 PM - 2:15 PM ET
Tired of going back and forth via phone and email, creating a new schedule on a spreadsheet, or worse, on paper? Then having to redo it daily? Or using a bloated, overpriced tool that doesn't do what you need? IntelyCare has a better way.
IntelyCare Scheduling is a free scheduling platform that takes the hassle out of creating schedules for your full-time nursing staff. Automate and streamline your scheduling process to fill shifts quickly by connecting and engaging with staff right on their mobile devices using Shift Alerts.
This 15-minute demo will give you a quick tour of the platform and tell you where to go for more information. Join us!
Sponsored by: IntelyCare
Time: 2:20 PM - 3:15 PM ET
What will the new normal look like as the pandemic turns a corner? Skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) need to understand how payment was unique during the pandemic and how reimbursement might change moving forward. Understand what your SNF should be prepared for and how to look at the data to determine payment in the future. .
Speakers: Maureen McCarthy
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