The role of a CDI leader is challenging and ever-changing with the needs of their department and their organization. While leaders’ roles vary widely, they often include a focus on physician engagement and key performance indicator (KPI) trending and monitoring for the success of their programs.
In recent years, CDI departments have found themselves pulled in a variety of directions—from quality reviews, to outpatient expansions, to denials management. Whether proactively with clinical validation reviews or on the back end with appeal writing, denials management work represents one of the most popular new expansion areas for CDI departments of all sizes. As with any new initiative, the CDI leader sets the tone and leads the charge.
Recently, ACDIS gathered more than 30 CDI leaders for guided discussion on their day-to-day roles and responsibilities with a special focus on KPIs and productivity, denials management, and virtual physician engagement in light of the COVID-19 pandemic sending many CDI departments into 100% remote staffing models.
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